
Our Session Format
What happens at our jams
Here is how our jams should run.

Second Wednesday of the month
Purple Jam

♪ Participants choose two songs from the songbook
♪ They can set the pace and choose the style as it's their choice
♪ Songs are played in roughly the order they are received
♪ Tea break and parish notices approximately half way through
Workshop one song from the songbook that needs some TLC
♪ Any extra time can be filled by choosing further songs

Fourth Wednesday of the month
Green Jam

♪ Participants choose two songs from the songbook
♪ They can set the pace and choose the style as it's their choice
♪ Songs are played in roughly the order they are received
♪ Tea break and parish notices approximately half way through
Spotlight session where one or more participants can showcase up to two songs to the group
Spotlight songs can be added to the songbook
Spotlight PDF submssions only
Spotlighters would not pick songs other than their spotlight songs
♪ Any extra time can be filled by choosing further songs

Non-standard Jam
White Jam

♪ Private event, or one that has been booked outside of the purple and green formats.

Page last updated: 25/07/2022